Experience Quranic Arabic


Experience Quranic Arabic is a live, virtual eight week Quranic Arabic course for adults (aged at least 15+ years). The program's goal is to introduce classical Arabic so that students develop an appreciation of the language, foster a desire to build Arabic literacy through further studies, and ultimately to increase one's love for the Quran. This course is a gentle - but powerful - introduction to classical Arabic.

The details are below:

Fees: $50 per person.  Multiple family members are welcome to attend the session on a single registration.

Venue: Zoom. A Whatsapp group will also be created for Q & A, announcements, and sharing of materials.

Schedule: Tuesdays, 5:45pm-7:15pm EST, July 2 to Aug 20 , 2024

Prerequisites: Ability to read/recite the Quran

Materials covered: This course is a foundational course for classical Arabic studies. The course will cover the approach to studying Arabic, and introduce the sciences of Arabic grammar and morphology. Concepts will be illustrated through examples from the Quran. The weekly topics are the following:

Week 1: Introduction to Arabic and it's sciences
Week 2: Grammar review: Words, verbs, sentences
Week 3: Sentence structures, and grammatical states, roles, and reflections
Week 4: Verb conjugations and pronouns
Week 5: Phrases
Week 6: Properties of an ism
Week 7: Verb variations
Week 8: Introduction to further topics

Teaching methodology: Content will be based on traditional curriculum, using modern teaching methods to engage students and to ensure retention of the material

About the instructor: Saad Rais began his Arabic studies at the University of Damascus, and then continued his studies at the Shariah Program (shariahprogram.ca) where he studied Sarf (morphology), Nahw (grammar), Mantiq (logic), and Balaghah (rhetoric). After graduating, he became an instructor at the Shariah Program, where he has been teaching sarf and nahw for over ten years. Saad also completed a certification in Adult Learning from the University of Toronto, and also teaches at both the University of Toronto and York University. He also works for the Ontario Public Service.

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