Academic School
Religious Schools
Itikaaf Registration
Full Name
Age (Numerical Number)
Phone Number
Email Address
Choose country
Health Card Number
Any medical conditions?
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Number
Terms and Conditions:
I fully understand and agree to the following terms & conditions while observing i’tikaaf:
To avoid any type of whispering or talk during the designated times for rest.
To keep my personal belongings and bedding within the
“designated i’tikaaf area”
To pack up my personal belongings and bedding every day prior to maghrib salaat.
Eating and/or drinking (excluding water) is
in the prayer hall.
Iftaar and suhoor (including snacks) must be consumed in the designated eating area only.
I will ensure to
complete my meals on a timely manner and not waste time in the dining area for socializing
I will observe Islamic ethics of cleanliness at all times.
I will keep my medication and other items clearly labelled in the fridge.
I understand that any left-over food item may be disposed off, when required.
I will show respect and co-operate with the staff, volunteers and other mutakifeen.
I will restrict myself from using any kind of
technology (ex, cellphone or tablet)
for personal and learning purposes.
I agree to bring a
sleeping bag
to be used for sleeping/resting time.
I Agree
Signature: (Add Name)