BES Admission & Registration

Admission and Tuition Fees 2024-2025

We strive to keep our fees to the minimum in support of our growing community. 

Admission Fee

The Admission Fee is a one-time payment applicable to all students per school year. This fee is $400 per student, which includes the following:

  • Registration Processing - $50
  • Textbooks/Workbooks - $350

Admissions fees are payable only when registration is confirmed. 

Tuition Fee
The Tuition Fee is a monthly fee to be withdrawn from parent/guardian’s account the first week of each month, starting from September of the school year.  The tuition fees for the school year 2024-2025 are as follows:

Tuition Fees Per Grade
The fee listed below is subject to change at any time

  • Grades JK/SK - $450/month
  • Grades 1 to 7 - $430/month

Sibling Discount to all grades
Full tuition fee for the first student. Every sibling will get a discount of $25/month.

Grades 1 to 7 Registration

All new applicants applying for admission to grade 1 to 7, will be expected to complete the following procedure:

  1. Complete the Brock Elementary School Student Registration Form.
  2. Present the Registration Form to the principal with the last two Report Cards, Birth Certificate, Health Card and Immunization Record of the student.
  3. Write the Brock Elementary School Admission Test. Minimum Score accepted 70%
  4. Present a VOID cheque to the office to authorize the school to withdraw fees from your account.
  5. Upon confirmation of registration, $400 for registration and books, will be made payable to Pickering Islamic Centre, via cash, cheque or e-transfer.


Full Day Kindergarten Registration

To attend Junior Kindergarten, the student must be four years of age by December 31 of that year. To attend Senior Kindergarten, the student must be five years of age by December 31 of that year.

All new applicants applying for admission to the Full Day Junior Kindergarten program will be expected to complete the following procedure:

  1. Complete the Brock Elementary School Student Registration Form.
  2. Present the Registration Form to the principal with the Birth Certificate, Health Card and Immunization Record of the student.
  3. Fulfill the expectation of the “10 Basic Skills Assessment” by demonstrating readiness for school.
  4. Present a VOID cheque to the office to authorize the school to withdraw fees from your account.
  5. Upon confirmation of registration, $400 for registration and books, will be made payable to Pickering Islamic Centre, via cash, cheque or e-transfer.

All new applicants applying for admission to the Full Day Senior Kindergarten program will be expected to complete the following procedure:

  1. Complete the Brock Elementary School Student Registration Form.
  2. Present the Registration Form to the principal with the Birth Certificate, Health Card and Immunization Record of the student.
  3. Fulfill the expectations of the “Brock Elementary School Senior Assessment” and demonstrate readiness for school.
  4. Present a VOID cheque to the office to authorize the school to withdraw fees from your account.
  5. Upon confirmation of registration, $400 for registration and books, will be made payable to Pickering Islamic Centre, via cash, cheque or e-transfer.

BES Admission Form | Click here to Download