Covid-19 Updates & Resources

COVID-19 Update

On the advice of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, for the 2023-24 school year most health and safety requirements remain unchanged from the previous direction provided to school board partners at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

Continuing with this direction and based on the advice of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, masks will not be required for students, staff and visitors in schools, school offices, or on student transportation. We promote respectful, welcoming and inclusive environments for individuals who choose to wear, or not to wear a mask within their school communities.

It is recommended that staff, students and visitors continue to self-screen every day before attending school using either the COVID-19 school and child care screening tool, or a screening tool designated by the local public health unit, in alignment with current provincial guidance. Following public health guidance, individuals should stay home if they are feeling ill to prevent the spread of illness.

Appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will be promoted and integrated throughout the school day.

Brock Elementary will continue to ensure all surfaces and equipment are regularly sanitized and cleaned for the safety of all staff and students.

COVID-19 School-Childcare-Screening | click here to download

Individual with symptoms COVID-19 | click here to download

My Child Did not pass the COVID-19 Daily Screening Now What | click here to download

Student/Staff Deemed a Probable case of COVID-19 | click here to download

Student/Staff Tests positive for COVID-19 | click here to download