Frequently Asked Questions

Following Questions have been requested by the community.

Please click on the question to see answer

Haj & Umrah

Question: May I wear leather sandals during Ihram or I have to wear flip flops?

Answer: Among the restrictions placed upon males while in the state of ihraam is the well-known restriction regarding footwear as reported by Imam al-Bukhari (and others). Based on this, scholars of all schools agree that most of the upper foot must remain uncovered. Failing to do so will result in a minor or major penalty (depending on the duration worn). Therefore, sneakers and (most) sandals are not to be worn while in Ihram. This is the reason why simple flip flops are usually recommended. The sandals in question are not acceptable according to many contemporary Hanafi scholars and should be avoided as a matter of precaution (ihtiyat). Another added benefit for simple flip flops is that they’re lightweight which makes carrying and storing convenient. And if they go missing you can easily find a budget replacement.


Questions: Khalid and Fatima are married. Their parents are divorced/widowed. Is it permissible for Fatima’s father to marry Khalid’s mother?

Answer: Yes. Marriage between these two individuals is permissible because there is nothing which legally prevents it.

Eid ul Adha

Question: Is it permissible to sacrifice a Beyl (ox) for udhiyya/qurbani?

Answer: Sacrifice of oxen (beyl) is permissible as long as the animal is of age. 


Question: Is it recommended to pause slightly in between the two salams of salah?

Answer: I do not recall any proof or text which outlines the above. What is important is that the second salam should begin while facing the qibla.

Islamic Name

Question: We named our son Mikaeel when he was born. But now we have friends who tell us that it is makruh to keep this name? Should we change his name? 

Answer: Imam Malik (May Allah have mercy on him) disliked naming children after angels as did a few early scholars. Imam Ibn al Qayyim (R) adopted this position as well. However, majority of Imams and scholars consider it to be permissible. Imam Nawawi (R) has mentioned this in his Majmu’. In the Hanafi school there seems to be no restriction either. In fact, Imam Tahawi (R) alluded to its permissibility by basing his logical analysis on it. (For details see Sharh Ma’anil Athar, Bab Takanni) In light of the above, we do not see any problem with the name Mikaeel and there should be no reason to change the name. 

Islamic Name

Question: We are expecting a baby boy soon inshallah and we plan to name him Subhan. Is this permissible?

Answer: Subhan means for one to be free from all forms of defeciency while possessing every quality of perfection. The closest one word meaning we can think of would be ‘transcendence’ which is only befitting to Allah. Hence, the Quran uses this word for Allah only. We would advise selecting another name. (consider ‘Sahban’) 


Question: Who built the Kaaba and why is it in Saudi Arabia? Is theKaaba built twice? Was it the first built mosque? Why you have to face it when praying?

Answer: The Holy Ka’ba is a simple cube shaped structure within the confines of the Grand Mosque located in modern day Makkah, Saudi Arabia. It is the nucleus of the Muslim world and it represents the oneness of Allah. Muslims do not worship the Ka’ba but rather face its direction during prayer as Allah commanded. It was built and rebuilt many times. According to Muslim historic tradition, it was the first place of worship built on earth (the second was the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem). The foundation was laid by the angels upon instruction from Allah as was its precise location, as Allah honors and exalts whomsoever or whatsoever He wishes. It was then formally built by Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Over the centuries the structure deteriorated until it was no more. This is when Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was instructed by Allah to [re]build it on a greater scale which he did with the help of his first-born son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him) while he was still a boy. The Quraysh also refurbished the Ka’ba before the Prophet’s mission began due to the fact that it had severely dilapidated. The mosque sustained severe damage in the year 683H approximately, where the Ka’ba required a complete rebuild. Muslim historians maintain that the present-day Ka’ba is on the foundation of this final restoration.


Question: The condition I have is pretty severe and it gets worse if do not take the medication, which contains gelatin. Would I be permitted to take it

Answer: Gelatin is a form of collagen which can be taken from pigs, cattle, fish or plant sources. If the source is fish or plant there is nothing wrong with it. If it is from cattle then the animal must have been slaughtered according to Islamic law. If the cow was not slaughtered accordingly or the gelatin is from pig then it will be unlawful to use. Ask your doctor for details and for an alternative which does not contain gelatin. If there’s nothing else available, then you may take it if there is fear of your condition worsening.


Question: Can I give Zakah to my wife’s sister if she’s in need? 

Answer: Yes, provided she is eligible to receive zakah. 


Question: For RRSP benefits, would it be permissible to take a loan from the bank on interest for a short period to save on taxes? I will repay the loan promptly upon receipt of tax return.

Answer: This will not be permissible since paying riba will be involved. Paying or consuming riba is categorically impressible according to the Quran and Hadith. We would advise you to arrange a private non-riba loan to serve your purpose. The sin of riba far outweighs the potential savings in tax.


Question: I am a male. I received a gold ring for my wedding. I know I shouldn’t wear it but am I allowed to keep it or do I have to get rid of it?

Answer: There is no harm in keeping the ring as long as it is not worn by you. Keep in mind that Zakah will have to be paid on the value of the ring if you meet the zakah requirements.


Question: What is the dua (supplication) after eating?

Answer: There are different duas taught to us in the hadith which should be recited after eating. The dua in question has been transmitted by Imams Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi in their respective collections as follows:

الحمد لله الذي أطعمنا وسقانا وجعلنا مسلمين

Contrary to what is popular, the particle من (min) is not reported. Therefore, you are advised to recite the dua as mentioned in the hadith above. There is no sin in reciting the dua in the manner that is commonly taught, though one should not insist that the Prophet ﷺ recited it that way.


Question: What is the earliest, one can perform maghrib salah (sunset prayer)?

Answer: Maghrib salah can be performed as soon as one is certain that the sun has set. Scholars usually recommend adding a few minutes to the local timetable as a precaution. The same applies to fasting.


Question: Does the playback of the adhan from a phone or clock have the same status of the actual adhan called by the Muezzin?

Answer: The adhan played back from a device does not hold the same ruling. However, since the words are the same, one should make an effort to keep silent in honour of the adhan. 


Question: What is the ruling of the prayer offered after performing an incomplete wudhu? I washed all limbs but forgot to perform masah (wiping the head). Will I have to repeat the prayer?

Answer: Yes, you will have to repeat the prayer. There are four faraidh (integrals) in wudhu; washing the entire face, both arms including the elbows, wiping at least one fourth of the head and washing both feet including the ankles. If any of these are missed the wudhu will not be complete. Performing the wudhu according the sunnah method ensures no integrals are omitted.


Question: What is the ruling of the prayer offered after performing an incomplete wudhu? I washed all limbs but forgot to perform masah (wiping the head). Will I have to repeat the prayer?

Answer: Scholars have ruled that it is makruh (reprehensible) to use toothpaste while fasting because it is very likely that it would be ingested and thus break the fast. If one is careful not to swallow it then the fast will be valid. It would be better to use the siwak (toothstick). This will serve the purpose of cleaning your teeth and you will be rewarded for practicing a sunnah.


Question: I am allowed to have a blood test while fasting?

Answer: Giving or receiving blood while fasting is permissible. Talk to your doctor about how it may affect you while fasting.